Celebration of Multicultural Gardening Club – Sun 20th July @ 10.45am


You are cordially invited to attend “The Celebration the First Year Completion of Multicultural Gardening Club (McGC) Pilot Project”,  which is going to be held on Sunday the 20th July 2014 at 10:45 am  at Ridgeline Trust Garden, 25th Whiteknights Road, Reading, RG6 7BY.

Come along to hear the objectives of McGC, key activities carried out and evaluation of first year McGC activities.  The event will include refreshments and snacks, a walk round the garden, and short talks from Graham Johnson (Ridgeline Trust Chair), Krishna Neupane (McGC leader), Isla Goldsmith (former Ridgeline Trust Garden Coordinator), and participants of the McGC.    The event is expected to last around 1 – 1.5hrs.  Suggested £1 donation for snacks and drinks (but not compulsory).

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