Good News: Earley Charity grant success!
The Multi-cultural Gardening Club will continue gardening at Ridgeline for the time being, but starting this spring we will be converting the part of that area closest to the pavilion into an accessible firm-surfaced area suitable for less physically mobile gardeners.
The grant will fund the excavation of the area of garden adjacent to the current path, laying Coxwell gravel to match the existing hard surfaces, erecting four planters with bow-topped diamond trellis panels with a post
and rope boundary, plus digging out shallow planting guttering.
It will also enable us to purchase new long-handled tools for the less physically able gardeners.
This is a great success for Jane, our new volunteer Grants & Fundraising Manager.
We are very grateful to the Early Charity, who previously helped us in 2009 by contributing £5,000 towards the costs of building our pavilion.